Natural Horse Hemp's hemp seeds are obtained from specially grown hemp plants. These plants contain almost no THC or CBD. The buds are harvested for seed and the remaining plant material is harvested for other purposes such as fiber and flour. The Natural Horse Hemp pellets are ground hemp seeds that have been cold pressed into pellets. By pressing the seeds cold, all healthy properties are preserved.

The good properties of hemp seed.
The hemp seeds are a source of high-quality proteins. The seeds themselves contain three times more omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. This is the correct ratio for horses. Furthermore, the hemp seeds provide an omega-6 fatty acid called gamma linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is unique among omega-6 fatty acids because research shows it supports anti-inflammatory processes in horses. GLA is not found in flaxseeds or other grains commonly fed to horses. In hemp seed, GLA makes up about 3% of the fat composition. Hemp seed fat is approximately 76% polyunsaturated fatty acid. These are the good fats and the horses like it very much.

Hemp seed is also rich in vitamins and minerals, all essential amino acids, chlorophyll and pre-biotic fibers. It is naturally high in omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids as well as 8 essential amino acids. The seed is used as a source of vitamins E and B (especially B1 and B2), calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, sulfur and zinc. Hemp seed contains a lot of protein, fiber and fat. The protein content is approx. 30%, fiber approx. 50% and fat approx. 10%.

How do I give it and what does it do for my horse?
The pellets can be fed as a supplement to add more protein or fat to the ration. For sport horses it is essential that they get enough fats and proteins for faster recovery after heavy training and for muscle building and fitness.
Especially older horses, horses that cannot maintain weight, have poor health or horses that have to recover after illness benefit greatly from hemp seed. For these horses we advise to give 1.5 or even 2 x the maintenance dose.

Hemp seed also strengthens the immune system. In case of problems with skin diseases such as eczema or other allergies, hemp seed can contribute a lot to stabilizing and positively supporting it.
Horses that suffer from arthrosis or other joint problems also benefit greatly from hemp seed. Hemp seed also has an anti-inflammatory effect, ensures healthy skin and coat, healthier hooves and improves the condition.

By adding a handful of hemp seed to the feed every day, you will notice that the general condition of your horse improves and that your horse feels better about himself.

A bag of 2kg. hemp seed is sufficient for about 1 month.